The Basics: Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

What are they? Omega-3's are essential fatty acids. They cannot be created by our bodies; we must get them from food. They are essential for normal brain development, communication and vision. In recent years, they have been in the spotlight because of their apparent positive protective roles in arthritis, hypertension, cancer and heart disease.

Thanksgiving 'Thanks'

With one of the busiest 'cooking' weeks upon us, many of us will be spending time in the kitchen preparing food for our friends and family.

Aging Increases Vitamin Needs:

How to cover your nutritional bases

Scientists haven’t figured out how to stop birthdays every year, however, most experts agree: You can lessen the damaging effects of free radicals (highly charged, unstable substances in the body), which cause aging

Surprising Way to Boost Health...

Get a cat! You may be surprised to know that there are healthy side effects that come along with owning a cat… and you thought cat owners bring these furry, four-legged friends into the home for sheer companionship.

A Multivitamin a Day.. Keeps the Doctor at Bay

Daily use of a multivitamin by older adults could be an inexpensive way to safeguard health, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Specifically, adults over 65 taking a multivitamin might be able to avoid hospitalization associated with conditions such pneumonia and urinary tract infections, in addition to fatal and non-fatal heart attacks.

8 Out of 10 Dieticians Say… “supplements are essential...”

What do these experts recommend? First and foremost, a good multi-vitamin.

OneLifeUSA’s Anti-Oxidant Works! Study Shows

Over 20 years ago the ingredients in our Advanced Anti-Oxidant formula in a base of Echinacea and garlic was first put into a single capsule. With the birth of this formula, also came the slogan for our company: ‘You May Never Be Sick Again!’

Why Zinc is Important and How Much Do You Need

When we hear zinc – most of us think of it as an important ingredient in natural cold remedies. When what really makes it important for your health is that zinc is an essential mineral in your diet, with recommended daily allowances for men of 11mg and for women 8mg.

Americans Eating Healthier…. Really?…NO!
A recent poll showed that most of us think our diets are healthy. But when it was analyzed; turns out that for over 84% of Americans this is a false belief!

The Healthiest Nut You Can EAT!
Do you know which is the healthiest nut you can eat? a) almond b) cashew c) walnut

8 Out of 10 Dietitians Say… “Taking supplements are essential to maintaining good health.”
What do these experts recommend? First and foremost, a good multi-vitamin. Next on their list; an omega-3 supplement, such as a salmon. And thirdly, an anti-oxidant combo.

Low Vitamin D Levels Proving Deadly
During the past year vitamin D has been in the news more than any other vitamin…and for good reason. Studies are increasingly providing evidence that point to significant health risks associated with inadequate amounts of vitamin D. The latest and most concerning: Low levels of vitamin D appear to increase the risk of death in older adults.

Today's children-
Nutritionally speaking, it’s hard to expect children to eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and veggies when the vast majority (86%) of adults don’t meet the minimum 5 servings per day recommendation. Be a role model for your children. Additionally, many adults (over 75%) take a multi-vitamin, but only a few of those give them to their children.

Dr. Oz's Health Checklist
Most people think that if they could change their lifestyle in some way to insure that they lived cancer-free, on average, they would add many years to their life. But, did you know that if we negate ALL cancer in the United States, the average life expectancy would only increase by 3 years? There are, however, some simple things you do that will have a significant impact on the length of your life. Check out what Dr. Oz says will have the biggest impact.

Should I take vitamins?
It's definitely something to consider if you are part of the 91% of Americans that studies show do not eat properly!

Vitamins Are Fundamental
“I am not sure which is sweeter, Harvard professing the virtues of vitamins to the world at large or my doctor friend quietly confessing it to me! Well, one thing is for sure: It doesn’t get any clearer than this!"

Assess YOUR Personal Health Risk
The fact that 98% of us believe we will live this year without a serious health incident is just NOT REALITY. When a health disaster strikes, will you come out dead or alive?

The Basics: Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
This article is a consolidated rundown of solid scientific research showing the benefits that have been associated with the consumption of omega-3’s from both fish and plant sources.

OneLifeUSA's AntiOxidant Works! Study Shows
The idea of disease prevention is not new, but has certainly become much more common over the last 15 years. It no longer belongs only to ‘health and vitamin freaks’.