Simple Ways to Avoid the Flu

hWith the cold and flu season getting off to a running start, coupled with the news that strains of bird flu previously thought not to be contagious to humans, now presenting itself as indeed infecting (and killing) humans… it is a great time for a few flu season tips! Even though you may not be sick yet, it’s best to keep it that way. Add these easy activities to your daily routine and you'll stay healthy through this flu season.

1. Garlic It Up! Like Italian food? Great, then start cooking some up — or anything with loads of garlic. The potent bulb contains the compound allicin, which is known to have antiviral properties that may prevent colds and the flu, explains Keri Glassman, nutritionist and author of The New You and Improved Diet. So go ahead, throw some extra garlic bulbs in your shopping cart!

2. Sweat It Out. "Part of the body’s natural detoxification process is through the skin and sweating regularly is really important," says integrative physician Robin Berzin MD. Exercise that generates sweat is great; you get the advantages of the exercise and the detox of sweating. However, "a passive sweat, like a sauna or steam, actually helps the body release toxins from deeper tissues just as well as going for a run”. So next time you are considering a spa day, remember that a sauna offers more benefits than just relaxation—taking a little steam can also help ward off sickness.

3. Sleep in. Most of us love to sleep, but the majority of us, don’t get enough of it. Snoozing a little longer to get the proper seven or eight hours will not only make you more energized, but also help keep you from catching a cold. Experts suggest keeping your bedtime consistent —being well rested on a regular basis helps your immune system better fight cold and flu germs.

4. Get Cultured. "The probiotics found in yogurt help bolster your immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in your body," says Glassman. Check the ingredients and make sure it contains live probiotics. Lactose intolerant, don’t particularly like the taste or cost of yogurt? Then, buy a probiotic to take daily. Go for one with multiple strands of bacteria(yes, some bacteria is actually good for you) – like our EnBalance formula that also provides you with a healthy dose of digestive enzymes!


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